πŸ—£ Transition from DMDv3 to DMDv4 – The Competitive Advantages of DMD Diamond Blockchain πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

Since inception, DMD diamond blockchain’s mission is toward bringing forth sustainable use-cases in the ever evolving blockchain ecosystem. That answers the basis of our transition from DMDv3 to DMDv4. While the beta version of DMDv4 is scheduled to be launched in a few weeks, it’s crucial for us to know what differentiate the DMDv4 from DMDv3 in-term of use-cases and how those first industry features afford us a competitive ecosystem.Β 

DMDv3 used POS/Masternode algorithms. However, DMDv4 implements a cooperative, world-first asynchronous HBBFT consensus and POSDAO election validation mechanism. HBBFT algorithm ensures that all active validators (every epoch – 12 hours) on the network contribute to block creations cooperatively and not competitively. Hence, making the DMD diamond blockchain ecosystem leaderless and permissionless. Moreover, the dPoS node-like election validation mechanism adds an extra layer of decentralization on our blockchain.Β Β 

With HBBFT consensus and POSDAO election validation mechanism on our blockchain, our ecosystem further presents other exciting usecases such as instant transaction finality, robust security, improved censorship & fork resistance, new frontrunning prevention mechanics, true & complete decentralization, higher throughput (atleast 400 transactions per seconds), improved random number generation, low carbon footprint, among other important features.Β 

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Importantly, DMDv4 exciting algorithms offer the DMD diamond blockchain’s ecosystem to be EVM-compliant. We embrace an EVM compatible codebase. That is – our blockchain supports EVM based smart contracts and other EVM-driven projects. Hence, we boost interoperability and compatibility across blockchains. Whether your projects run on Ethereum or Binance or Polygon chains, you can seamlessly run them on DMD diamond blockchain and even maintain the same address schema on our blockchain.Β 

Furthermore, DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) is a feature coming with the DMDv4.1 release. Validator candidates have a voice by voting on DAO decisions, thus, ensuring complete network decentralization. The DAO owns and controls all DMD diamond blockchain’s core contracts, which makes any attacks like stolen developer keys and malicious contract upgrades invalid. Our DAO considers, approves and funds projects. Thanks to DAO governance pot – a repository of funds accumulated from 10% of every 12-hour epoch rewards (the ecosystem distributes 90% of every epoch rewards between the validator of the active set) and all unclaimed DMDv3 to DMDv4 coins after the claiming periods post-DMDv4 launch. Our DAO is responsible for adjusting network parameters like minimum blocktime, heartbeat time, minimum gas price, maximum block gas limit, etc., and also secure all approved contracts on the ecosystem.Β 

With these intriguing use-cases on top of DMDv4, you can agree with us that our blockchain is already positioned for the ever dynamic and competitive blockchain ecosystem. To stay updated about DMD diamond blockchain’s latest news, join us on our Telegram and Twitter communities.Β