🗣️ Delegated Proof of Stake Consensus (DPoS) – The Second Algorithm Powering the DMD Diamond Blockchain 💓.

To foster the reliability of the DMD diamond blockchain, another consensus supporting the HBBFT algorithm on the blockchain is the Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus. While HBBFT presents our ecosystem with industry-wide unique features such as robust security, speed, instant transaction finality, and dynamic block times, among others, the DPoS is here to confer complete decentralisation and fair node election protocols on our blockchain network. 

DMD Diamond Blockchain Algorithm

Therefore, the blockchain has its speed and other features from HBBFT. The true decentralisation and big candidate pool are courtesy of DPoS. Hence, the DMD diamond blockchain is a true decentral leaderless blockchain ecosystem. 

Specifically, DMDv4 uses the DPoS node election mechanic (PoSDAO) to select 25 validators randomly from the pool of about 50-75 candidates every epoch (12 hours) to participate in block creation. The validators are, in turn, incentivised with DMD diamond tokens, and hence the blockchain ensures random power rotation – making the blockchain truly distributed, fast and secured. 

The DPoS also comes with lower power consumption. It also contributes to the higher level of security brought by HBBFT – because an attacker needs two-thirds of the validation set before having the capacity to manipulate the network. 

An exciting read, right? Stay tuned! ✨✨